Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23, 2011
Dear Pre-k Parents,

We will continue focusing on “Magnificent Me” over the next couple weeks. We will learn about how each child is special and how everyone is different from our names to the color of our eyes and our handprints. For this activity I am asking you to work with your daughter on creating a very special bag called an “All about Me Bag”. Each child is to fill the bag with items that are important to them that tell us about her. On the front of the bag, please write 3 clues that describe the items inside the bag that begins with the first letter of her name. Have your child help with the clues and make sure the items fit the bag. Be creative and have fun. The item can be a drawing, picture or a word. Please have the bag returned to class by Friday, September 30th.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs. Maneri

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