Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 2012

We are busy in Pre-k working on our STEM projects. The girls are working on two projects as we study and observe the changes that Spring brings and plant growth. Experiment #1:Color Changing Carnations Where does the water go when a plant is watered? With this experiment, the girls can discover for themselves how essential the functions of roots and stems are to plant growth.As the colored water is absorbed, students will be able to see how the water is absorbed into the plant and will be amazed when the petals of the carnation change color. Experiment #2: "Black Out" Bright, sunny days make us feel great! Bright, sunny days also make plants feel great. They use the sunshine to grow green and stay healthy.But what happens to a plant if it doesn't get any sunshine? The girls will discover that leaves are little food factories for plants. A chemical called chlorophyll gives leaves their green color. It makes food for the plant. Without sunlight the chlorophyll is used up and the leaves will die.